
What To Do In

Monroe Wisconsin

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Monroe Wisconsin has a lot of entertainment and activities. This directory will list What To Do in Monroe Wisconsin! We have placed everything on this page. If you are just interested in one activity, click the button below for the overall directory of What To Do In Wisconsin. Enjoy and have fun in Wisconsin!

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What To Do In Monroe Wisconsin


Cheese Factories and Cheese Stores

Alp and Dell Cheese [Store] - Monroe - www.alpanddellcheese.com

Baumgartner's Cheese Store and Tavern [Store] - Monroe - www.baumgartnercheese.com

One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting at the bar at Baumgartner's with my Dad and Grandfather eating a salami and swiss cheese on rye bread sandwich. I have had many since. This Cheese Store / Tavern / Bar / Restaurant is not only a must stop when in Monroe, it is worth the drive, just to eat there! For the adventure eater, try the Limburger and onion on rye bread sandwich.


Minhas Micro Distillery - Monroe - minhasdistillery.com

Movie Theaters

Goetz Theatre - Monroe - www.goetzskyvu.com/GOETZ_THEATRE/GOETZ_HOME.html

Sky-Vu - Monroe - www.goetzskyvu.com/SKY-VU/SKY-VU_HOME.html

The first time I can remember going to an outdoor theater was in Monroe with my mom, dad and sisters to see "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". I was really young. My parents wanted to see it, but by the time it came on (it was the second movie) my sisters were sleeping and I was to follow shortly after them.

We left the Monticello farm when I was 10, but we did see many movies at the Sky-Vu outdoor theater all us kids tucked in the back seat of the old Ford.


Green County Historical Society - Monroe - www.greencountywihistoricalsociety.org

National Historic Cheesemaking Center & Museum - Monroe - www.nationalhistoriccheesemakingcenter.org


Minhas Winery - Monroe - www.minhaswinery.com

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Born: April 13, 1995 - Reborn: September 1, 2017
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